young agripreneurs
GFAR blog

Calling on all young agripreneurs – Submit your project!

young agripreneurs

March 16th: The list of the finalists is now online! Congratulations to everyone who submitted their project. You showed the world the creative spirit of young agripreneurs!!

March 15th: The jury has now cast their votes, and we are doing the final tally and checks. The announcement of the final selection will be announced as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the comments on all posts are re-opened.

March 13th – Midnight CET: The online voting is now closed, and the first selection is being forwarded to the jury.
Until the results are published (expected on March 16th), we will temporarily suspend publishing further comments, as the judges will look at the quality of the online conversation on each of the proposals in the first selection.

March 9th – midnight Central European Time: This call for proposal is now closed..
While the voting (through comments, likes and views on your proposal) is still open until March 13th midnight CET, our team is working hard in publishing the received proposals as fast as we can.
Note that we received about 100 proposals on the last day, so there will be a delay in publishing the last batch. We are working around the clock -until late at night- to get your proposals out.
Thank you all for the many wonderful projects you have submitted. You have shown that youth is still very active, creative and motivated to engage in innovative projects!

March 8th: Due to the high amount of incoming YAP proposals, we are changing the deadline for submissions to March 9th midnight CET (Central European Time).

Feb 27th: Our deadline for submissions and voting has changed. Please check the “Timeline” chapter below!

March 5th: We added more details for your submission guidelines in the sections “Which projects are eligible for “YAP” and “What should your submission look like?”


We, at GFAR and CGIAR, are committed to integrate, stimulate and mentor the involvement of youth in all of our collective programs. At #GCARD3, the Third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development, we are taking any opportunity to live up to that commitment.

We want to use the upcoming #GCARD3 global event to pilot a number of innovative projects and approaches. One of these projects is “YAP”, the Youth Agripreneurs Project. “YAP” is a pilot project targeting young agricultural entrepreneurs or “agripreneurs”.

Within “YAP” we want to select young agripreneurs from all over the world, and provide a seed fund to facilitate the startup of their project. During one year, we will mentor these young agripreneurs within their project, linking them with seasoned researchers and practitioners, by integrating them in the YPARD (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development) mentoring program. We also want to train them on new ways to advocate and network using innovative communication tools.

We are now ready to accept submissions from you, the young agripreneurs from all over the world. Here are the details how you can apply to be one of our “YAP champions”:

What do we offer our “YAP champions”?

  • We will provide a US$5000 grant, allocated in 3 tranches over one year;
  • We will fund your travel and accommodation to attend the #GCARD3 global event in Johannesburg (South Africa) and integrate you into the panel discussions;
  • At #GCARD3, we will integrate you into a two days mentor-ship program, to initiate you into the ins-and-outs of agripreneurship, linking you up with your mentor(s), and assist you to make your project a success;
  • We offer you three days of social media training, as we firmly believe that using online tools is a key factor to bring your project to a success;
  • We will integrate you into the YPARD mentoring program;
  • We will assist and mentor you during one year, to bring your project to a success.

How can you apply to become a “YAP champion”?

It is simple. And complex.

“Simple”, as a YAP application is just one email. But it is also “complex”, as in one email (a document and some illustrations), you need to condense everything you’ve got, making your application complete and compelling!

You need to submit your application by email, which will be published on the GFAR blog.

What should your application consist of?

If you want to apply to the “YAP” program, you will need to submit your application. The application is NOT a form, but should be written in a Microsoft Word (or similar word processor). It should be written in a “free format”, a story-telling format, as if it were a blogpost. Here are the critical elements you should include in your application (important!):

  • WHO: Describe your background: “who are you?” – include your full name, your city/country, telephone number and age (as the applications are restricted to those younger than 39 yrs at the time of submission);
  • WHAT: Describe your project: What do you want to do? How do you want to do it?. Your proposal has to be agri-related (see details below). Show it is realistic and sustainable. We’d also like to know if your project has a socio-economic impact on your community;
  • WHY: What motivates you to do the project you submit? What are the gains for you and your community?;
  • HOW: List the steps you intend to take to achieve your goal, leading to the success of your project;
  • Describe what have you done already to get your project started, until now, either alone or with help;
  • Describe the actual measurable success factors for your project: How do you measure your success?
  • How do you plan to use the US$5000 grant? Define a budget of at least five line-items, and a time frame.

Submit your proposal (your text file, and illustrations – see below) to p.casier(at) We will confirm your submission, and once it is online, we’ll send you the link to your submission blogpost by email.

What should your submission look like?

  • Your submission should be written in MS Word or any other text editor. It should be 1-2 pages. Your submission should be in a story-telling format (as if it were a blogpost), but still containing all elements we mentioned before. Check out these tips on how to write a good stories or blogpost;
  • Your submission (in MS Word or any other text editor) should be sent as attachment to an email;
  • The submission can be in English, French, or Spanish;
  • Don’t use any fancy structuring in your text (e.g. no tables or columns);
  • We need at least one illustration (a picture, a drawing or a video). You can submit up to two illustrations maximum: e.g. two pictures, or one video and a picture which illustrate your project. You should hold the copyright for the pictures/video, or have a formal permission to use the picture(s) or video. Include picture credentials in your submission blogpost;
  • Pictures/video should be attached to your submission email. We also accept links to videos you have uploaded on YouTube or Vimeo. But do NOT include the pictures/illustrations in your text. Send them as separate attachments to your email.

Your submission (your MSWord file, and your pictures/video or video links) should be emailed to p.casier(at)

By submitting your project, you allow us to publish your submission on our GFAR blog. This means your application will be public. This also means that potentially other people might read about your project, and get inspired to submit their own proposals.

UPDATE March 5th: We are currently receiving a lot of proposals. We’re processing and publishing them as fast as possible. Please allow us around 2 working days to screen your post and confirm receipt and 2 working days to bring it online. There might be delays on days when a high number of proposals are received. Kindly also note that currently a lot of our time is spent on processing applications which are not complete or not compliant to our guidelines. Please remember your proposal should be in a wordprocessor format (not in .pdf format e.g.), and you should include at least ONE picture, large enough to be featured in your application on your website. Pictures should be included in your application email, but as a separate attached file (e.g. a .jpg file). Please DO NOT incorporate pictures in your MS Word file as they are too difficult to process in the needed quality.

Which projects are eligible for “YAP”?

And this section is super important! Read it carefully, and integrate it into your application blogpost.

  • The projects have to be related to the agriculture supply chain: input (seeds or fertilizer, tools,…) or production (crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry, agro-forestry,..), value-added services (such as processing or storage), market access,…;
  • The US$5000 seed funding by itself has to make a difference in your project: e.g. we don’t want projects where you have to wait for another $20,000 to come in before you can start;
  • Your project has to be practical, realistic and hands-on;
  • Your project has to show self-sustainability. e.g. no repeated financial investment is needed, and it has to be be eco-sustainable (let’s not ruin the earth while trying to feed the planet);
  • Your project should show concrete results or at least tangible outputs within one year;
  • We prefer projects which have a direct impact on rural areas;
  • The agripreneurs have to be younger than 39, at the time of their submission;
  • We do accept “group submissions”, e.g. projects run by a group, an organisation, institute or from a small company (with an annual turnover of less than US$50,000). The proposal has to be submitted by the person who would be the project coordinator, and will be the mentee in our project;
  • We accept up to two project proposals per person.
  • UPDATE: We receive quite a few questions related to: “I am thinking of this idea, does it qualify”? For, us, what is important, are the qualifiers we listed in this section. No matter if your project is to drill a borehole to irrigate the fields in your community, buy cows to bring in a new variety in your herd, fund the materials to build an infrastructure for micro-irrigation or roasting peanuts, or set up a transport system to connect farmers to the markets, or a piece of software… As long as it fulfills the qualifiers in this section, you’re fine! Go for it!

OK, I get it, so this is like a competition?

Yes, each YAP project submission will be an individual post on our blog. The winners will be determined in two steps:

First selection? Public voting!
The first selection of projects (dependent on the amount of funding we receive from the sponsors) will be based on the appreciation of your entry by the online public. We will pick the top submissions, based on:

  • How many “Likes” the post gets: How many people clicked on the “Like” button below the post
    Note: Only “Likes” on your blogpost itself are counted, not on other social media channels;
  • How many comments each blogpost gets. This is the most important selection criteria. We encourage “dialogue” and we would like every blogpost to become an opportunity for the online public to exchange views and provide feedback about your project.
    Note: Only the comments left on your blogpost itself, are counted. Comments left on other social media channels are not included;
  • How many times your blogpost was viewed.

The first selection score will be calculated with the formula:

First selection score = (5 * #comments) + (2 * #likes) + (#views)

Please note:

  • One can only “Like” a post if you have a account;
  • Submitted comments are not published immediately: to avoid spam, we manually screen the comments before releasing them. We release comments at least once a day. So, monitor comments on your submission blog regularly, and post your replies. Note that we closely monitor the comments. Any attempt to artificially pump up the comments on your application, will be considered as spamming and might result in the disqualification of your application.
  • The number of pre-selected posts which will go to the jury, will depend on the amount of funding we are able to raise. The first selection will consist of twice the amount of applications we have have funding for. E.g.: if we have funding for ten agripreneurs, we will send the jury twenty pre-selections.

The final selection:
Based on the public voting formula, a panel of judges (judges to be announced later) will give a final score on the top submissions, which will determine the finalists. The panel will consist of scientists, communications specialists and experts in sustainable development.

They will, individually, score each blog entry based on the project or initiative you presented (feasibility, originality, impact and sustainability – each equally weighed) and the way you presented the project in a blogpost. We will total the individual judges’ score to make the final score.


UPDATED! Timeline has changed. See the new timeline below!

  • We accept your online submission, the blogpost and illustrations, from now until March 9th 2016 (midnight CET).
    Submit your proposals to p.casier(at)
    Once we receive your submission, we will sent you an email to acknowledge your application. When your submission is online, we will send you the link, so you can promote it within your network.
    Once an application is online, we don’t edit it anymore (so spellcheck your application before sending it to us 🙂 );
  • The online voting will start from the moment your submission is online. The voting closes on March 13th at midnight CET. That’s when we tally your online score;
  • The online scores will determine the 20 most popular projects;
  • The jury will make the final selection by March 14th;
  • On March 15th, we will inform you, if you are selected. From then, we will work with you on the logistics to get you to #GCARD3 Global Conference.

The conditions

By submitting your proposal,…

  • You allow us to publish the blogpost, video and pictures on our blog;
  • You agree to come to The Global #GCARD3 consultation in South Africa;
  • You agree to write a bi-monthly follow-up blogpost to be published on the GFAR blog;
  • You agree to write a short wrap-up blogpost after one year, describing the concrete outcomes of your project, and how the seed funds have been spent;
  • You will moderate the comments on your submission blogpost(s), by replying to incoming comments, questions, suggestions…

Check out the YAP proposals submitted thus far.

CGIAR (the Global Agricultural Research Partnership) and GFAR (the Global Forum on Agricultural Research) co-organize the global event of #GCARD3 (the Third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development) in April 2016. This event will be held in Johannesburg, co-hosted by the Agricultural Research Council of South Africa.
The “YAP” program is run in cooperation with YPARD (the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development) who manages the mentoring program. Together we aim to fully integrate youth in the whole #GCARD3 process and to showcase their crucial role in the future of agriculture.

Current “YAP” funders include:
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Agripolis Foundation.

We are still seeking additional sponsors. If you want to co-fund this exciting project, contact Fiona Chandler – fiona.chandler(at)
Details for “YAP” sponsors, you can find in this blogpost.

Picture courtesy P.Casier (CCAFS)

269 thoughts on “Calling on all young agripreneurs – Submit your project!”

  1. I ve read and understood everything. my concern is that you seem to be focusing on only the youth yet our village women are more vulnerable and need such support more.

    I will be very grateful if you would consider women as well. thank you.

    1. Hi Caroline,

      There are numerous vulnerable groups, I agree. And I agree that particularly women are one of the largest vulnerable groups. “Women” are included in “youth”, so we hope we get at least half of the proposals submitted to be from women! Hope you can help make that happen!! 🙂


      1. Hi Peter,

        There are women beyond the age group here but who have projects that could help communities. I have a project that s trying to enhance the production of affordable complementary foods for children 6 to 23 months old. However am 46 years. is there something for such?

    2. I am one of the small scale farmer in Belfast trust, Bushbuckridge region, who manage to complete my three years incubatee with Mobile Agricultural Skills and Development last year 2015, and registered a Pimary Co Operative in December 2015, t’s a pity I happen to know about this interesting initiative tonight the 11/03/2011 while the closing date was two days ago, I think you did not give enough time to rural people and those who have no access to internet, what are the chances to extend the closing date.

  2. Yes, good idea to collect the youth idea to cope the global need via this program. But i am not fully satisfy with the best proposal selection process completely (counting like,comment and review online). What happen panelist think its good even received few like, comment and review by other but proposal is very relevant to this particulate community or global context. My opinion is that panelist must have review each proposal thoroughly and give marks and including score from online system. Final selection must be average score from panelist and online system.

    1. Hi Himalaya Subedi,

      We have used this system (a combination of public voting and a jury selection) in the past, in blogpost competitions, photo competitions, or to select youth speakers for a conference for instance. Each of those always came up with good finalists.
      Our blog is mostly read by agriculturalists, scientists, youth working in our professional field. So integrating the public voting has proven to be a good “natural” selection for the first cut. It is also an encouragement for the participants to do their best in presenting their project well, in their blogpost.
      But as we don’t just want the most “popular” entries to win, we incorporated the jury selection for the final identification to find the best.

      We also firmly believe that for young people to succeed, online media can play a powerful role to network, to get assistance and be an advocacy platform, and that is why we encourage the participants to use social media to get other people to read their entries.

      It might not be a perfect selection system, but it did marvels in the past, and we believe this will work once again!


  3. This is exactly what am looking for. Thank you for providing this opportunity and will try to organize myself for an application.

    Alick John

  4. This is what I was looking for.
    I am a fresh agri graduate with 3 years of experience in agri productions and marketing based organisations with a keen interest in agripreneurship.
    I do have a fresh unincorporated project based on a fruit processing unit suitable for my locality.
    Since, the project is still limited to papers only till now. So, I would like to know if I will be eligible for the same.

    1. Hi Hemanta, of course your project would quality. “Processing” is part of the agriculture supply chain (and very much so!). And we are not only looking to add value to existing projects, but also for ideas people want to realize.
      When you submit your blogpost, keep our focus on the items we list in the section “What should your application consist of?”. This is super important to identify what we want to know about your project.

      Good luck with your submission!


  5. Good morning Peter,

    I have gone through the details above and am very much confident that my proposal will be able to convince the juries. I have realized my idea in the form of a mobile application which is up and gone live. Its just one month old brainchild.. 🙂

    Well, while going through the selection process explained above, at one statement I felt down.. “One can only “Like” a post if you have a account;”

    I believe here in my locality and within my network, most of the people are not familiar with wordpress. Had it been facebook, it would have made a difference to me and prospect of my submission to gather a good response (Likes and comments).

    I wanted to know, what if my submission gets a good score from board of Juries and public response is less. I am little concerned with the final selection of proposal based on public response in the form of Likes and comments.

    1. Hi Suryakant,

      Looking forward to receive your proposal!

      I would not worry much about the “WordPress Likes”.. as you see in the 1st selection formula, the amount of comments are twice as important (and we did that, because we want to create online conversations around the submitted youth projects.

      I would like to remind everyone not to get too stuck on the selection process itself. But concentrate on your proposals, and how you will ensure you get through the 1st selection process. We value “creativity” very highly amongst youth. Think within the framework we have set up: Write a darned good proposal, which contains all key elements, and is still fun to read. And think how you can e.g. encourage the most lively conversations through the comment sections.
      PS: Probably the most successful entrepreneurs are also the ones which are the most creative 🙂


    1. Hi Sharif,

      Indeed anyone under 39yrs at the time of application, can participate in this project (farmer, teacher, researcher, student, extension agent, etc…). As long as your project falls within the terms and conditions we specified in the section “Which projects are eligible for “YAP”?”

      We aim to have at least 10 projects in the final selection (dependent on the funding).


  6. Hi.I am a Veterinarian by profession. I graduated in 2011 and since then I have been volunteering in places getting all the practical experiences possible in animal medicine and surgery . Last year I started a vet private practice in my locality and have been doing quite well. Although I haven’t been able to put in a lot of diagnostic and other emergency equipments due to lack of fund. If I were to get some financial aid it would really help me in properly setting up the practice. We do a lot of domestic livestock cases which eventually helps the farmer whose livelihood completely depend on his animals. Therefore I was wondering if such a venture would fit under YAP . And it would really help me as an entrepreneur. Thanks.

      1. sir ..can I still submit my proposal since..the deadline is till march 15…

  7. I am really very happy to see this link as a young and a professional Agriculturalist, Let us build for sustainable development through agricultural sector.

  8. Dear Peter,

    As I understand someone can only “Like” a post if they have a account, but everybody who has e-mail address or facebook account can make a comment, can they?


    1. Hi Melano,
      The comments section is open for anyone. People just have to enter their name and email address when leaving a comment (we did that to avoid spamming).. You don’t need a Facebook account even, to leave a comment…!


  9. A very great opportunity for my “rural agricultural entrepreneurship challenge project” for young people in the Central African Republic. Unfortunately I’m so old than 39 (43).

  10. Sounds really good. Peter you are such a hard worker. I will try my luck….hoping the selection process will be fair to us in the remote areas of Zimbabwe.

  11. This looks like a great initiative- I’m excited to follow the applicants and selected projects. One comment: since applications can be submitted in French and Spanish, it would be beneficial to offer French and Spanish translations of this “Call for Proposals”. Best of

    1. I agree. I currently have a call out to YPARD volunteers to translate the “Call for Proposals” in French and Spanish. Once we have the translations, we will publish them.

  12. What a great initiative and I would love it to be open to all ages or at least to those who are interested improving the livelihoods of the families who live in the rural areas and preventing “the youth rural to urban migration”.

    1. Hi Harry,
      we specifically target youth in this project, one of the reasons being that we want youth to see agriculture as a viable, profitable and honorable business, and as such (amongst other things), stop urbanization.

  13. Hi Peter,
    It’s really a great opportunity to young Entrepreneur, who wants to work in agriculture sector. I was discussing with my friends about an idea for a start-up and I read about this forum on Facebook. My idea has a great effect on socioeconomic condition of farmers especially in India and similar countries. I am sure it will get selected by jury.
    I have done my graduate in Agricultural Engineering. Currently I am working in a leading off Highway Manufacturer Company. Is it possible to work on this as part time, if my company allow me to do it without quitting my job? As I love the work, what I do here.
    And what will happen if my idea got selected and I am not able to continue the project?

    1. Hi Chandan,
      By submitting the project, it would mean you commit to this project. But this by no means this has to be full-time! I don’t think most people who submit a project would work on it full-time.

  14. Great idea to bring out the next generation of the world’s agripreneurs. you said one can submit two proposals, just wish you confirm if they will be two separate blogpost?

  15. This is good idea Peter. There is increasing food insecurity yet we have a lot of resources in Africa that we can use to reverse the situation. The problem is brought about because most of the youth dont regard agriculture as a prestigious paying job they can undertake for the rest of their lives. majority of African homes have an average of 7 people, yet you will only find 1 or 2 people working in shambas for the rest of the household members. majority of our youth waste precious energy loitering in urban areas. If this labor was to be invested in agricultural production. cases of food insecurity would be a myth. I highly commend these efforts because it will change attitudes of most youth on agricultural production.
    I only have two challenges: 1. Majority of the youth dont access IT as most of them live in rural areas. How do we involve those. Is the program intended for only literates who are IT experts.
    2. You have not categorized the minimum qualification of agricultural professionals who can participate in the project. Because most of the comments I have read on this blogpost are from agricultural professionals. What of those who are not educated but can design and implement their projects, Given the limitation of IT.



    1. Hi Sylvest,

      Very good questions!

      1/ on the “IT literacy”: In the many past projects we have done with rural youth, we have found many young people in rural areas to be reasonably well connected via social media. If they weren’t, it would be up to their creativity (in teaming up with other youth, who are well connected). Again “creativity” is key here, but in the submission of proposals, and the execution of proposals.
      2/ One does not need a qualification to participate. We will team up the winners with agricultural professionals who are experts, through the extensive mentoring program. It is very encouraging to see that many comments coming in from agricultural professionals, as this is what we wanted: get online feedback and start an online discussion between the youth and the online public/ag professionals.

      Hope this helps,


    1. Hi Fikirte, we will only release the seed funding in tranches, spread of the year. To get the next tranche, the agripreneurs will have to fulfill certain obligations (such as giving updates on the finances and the progress support). Each tranche is released if the conditions are met in the previous period.

    1. Hi Olayiwola,

      As this is a project for young agripreneurs, this is for people younger than 39 (below 39), at the time of submission.


    1. Thank you Serem. In the mean time, I had already emailed to inform you we have received your entry and will let you know as soon as it is online.



  16. Dear Admin
    I have facebook page only, Any one give on comment,like shared on/via link published on same proposal has also count or not ??

    1. Hi Himalaya,

      Only the “likes”, comments and views of your submission on the blog itself are taken into consideration for the first selection. I encourage you to spread the link to your post via your social media channels, discussion groups etc..
      Hope this helps,


  17. Hi..I am working in tribal area and it would be beneficial for the farmers where in they are growing “pippallu”a medicinal plant in vast area.I want to demonstrate by taking up this project with improved and adoptive technologies to improve their returns per unit.Can I submit

  18. well,this is a good idear as far as youth is concerned but also think of santements that can came out when its coming to online voting
    or some projects could be very crucial in their respective areas but due to lack of online voting,it endsup failing yet it can have a huge impact to their respective society

    1. Hi Livingstone,

      Thanks for your comments, but I think we have answered this before:
      This project is set up as a competition to make the selection of the finalists. Any competition has a set of rules, and it is up to the creativity of the participants to work within these rules.

      We have hinted this before (and when we send the participants an email to confirm their submission is online, we stress this explicitly): as the pre-selection will be done by the online public, we encourage each participant to spread the link to their submissions via their social media networks and involve colleagues, and other like-minded people.

      Once more, all is left to the creativity of the applicant. As “creativity” is also one of the success factors for small entrepreneurship, we believe.



  19. Great opportunity for us as youths. I am an Msc student taking Agri- Enterprise development. My dream is to see my village engage in poultry & dairy farming as a business since the products from the two sectors are very scarce & so my plan is to establish the enterprises and use them as demonstration as I educate them to do the same & this is one factor that motivated me even to further my studies. Can this qualify?

  20. Hi Peter, We are working on our YAP proposal, and are very excited about it! We would like to post it both in English and in Spanish. In this case, could the blog be longer (let´s say 1-5 pages for each language)? We would like to reach also the Spanish speakers, without having to give up English. Let us know! Thanks very much!

    1. Hi Mariola, Unfortunately, each submission should only be 1-2 pages… We have been a bit flexible on the length, though some proposals had to be cut short… It certainly can not be 5 pages for each language, making a total of 10 pages! 🙂


  21. Thank you so much for this great opportunity, which teaches the youth to start small & grow biggerand it also nurture agriculturalists into better business managers with the broad skills attained like IT, Accounting (budgeting & accountability), marketing.

  22. The program offers another great opportunities for the young ago-entrepreneurs. Its in deed a welcome development for the Africans

    1. Hi Toufau,

      Unfortunately not. As we published in the guidelines: ” the applications are restricted to those younger than 39 yrs at the time of submission”.


  23. Dear Peter,

    I am Humayun kabir From Bangladesh, I am work in NGO. We are work for Agriculture Development and we help them. let me know how proposal send you. Via email or wordpress blog. If we can send via Email which mail we will send? we are highly interested work with you.

    we are waiting your positive feedback.

    1. Hi Humayun,

      All details are in this blogpost. Look at the chapter: “What should your submission look like?”

      So you write your proposal in MSWord (or another wordprocessor), and send it by email to p.casier(at) – together with your pictures/video.


  24. hi Peter,
    i am 33 and the director for a youth based Ngo in Ghana,i have been longing for such a call and this is just the right time ,my young farmers will put an idea together for young women in agriculture for application.cheers

  25. Hi,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I sent my application to p.casier(at) but it does not work, I don’t know why. Can you help?

    1. Hi Ousmane — you need to replace (at) with “@” — we try to avoid publishing the email addresses with “@” sign, as it is picked up by spammers.. — In the mean time, I saw we received your application. — Peter

  26. I am Anthony Cung Mang, programme manager of Grassroots Empowerment and Ecosystem Nurturing(GREEN) based in Hakha the capital of Chin state Myanmar. We are trying to find donor for rebuild livelihood of rural people in Chin state by agriculture . In this year you may have known already that agriculture was destructed by landslide and flood happened almost in the whole Myanmar. Chin state is very remote and isolated. Transportation and communication is still remained behind and so very limited INGOs/NGOs come and do development projects. We are a Chin local NGO. We will apply for your fantastic grants.

  27. I have failed to send my mail through.
    it is returning such a response

    Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
    Your message wasn’t delivered due to a permission or security issue. It may have been rejected by a moderator, the address may only accept e-mail from certain senders, or another restriction may be preventing delivery.

  28. This YAP is such a great initiative. Thank you Peter & the guys.

    I must admit that I am have not been too familiar with blogging, until I entered this YAP competition. Now I regularly check other articles on the GAFAR blog and I have already learnt a thing or two.

    Thank you to the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) for sharing the YAP article on LinkedIn

  29. Hi Peter. I want to ask the competition does not suits people who are doing their projects in the urban areas?(small-scale farming or urban farm)

  30. Hello Peter,

    I am a young entrepreneur with interest in African food. For years Africans have been consuming processed and preservative laden foods but I want to change all that by offering them purely African food prepared the African way and delivered to them anywhere and at anytime via the use of our app. To this effect, we go to rural farms to source our foodstuffs and materials thereby creating a supply chain and market from the farmers to us.

    Our startup has been running for about 3 months now and the response has been quite encouraging.

    My question is since this is not a farming idea, can it qualify as an entry into the competition?



    1. Hi Samuel,

      It depends on the details of your proposal. If it is emphasizing the supply chain, and strengthening the sourcing of food supplies from farmers, then yes. If it is about preparing and serving the food, then unfortunately not.


  31. Hello Peter,
    I submitted my project on Wednesday March 2nd and it hasn’t been published online.
    I am inquiring about the date of publicity.

    Thank you

    1. Hi Allan,
      Your submission was published on Saturday morning. We are receiving a lot of applications, and do our best to process them as quickly as possible.


  32. Hello Peter, am still waiting for my project to be posted. What could have been the problem for such delay?


  33. Very interesting Initiative. I submitted my application almost 2days now and yet to get confirmation of receipt nor link. Just want to b sure if my Entry was received.

    1. Hi @Ovie – Your corrected application was received on Friday. We have already confirmed receipt of both your original and your corrected version.


  34. Please i am a veterinary graduate and i have a business plan of Going into commercial production of local guinea fowls in Bole district, a rural area in northern Ghana. Am i eligible to apply

    1. Hi Samuel,
      As the call for proposal outlines: “The projects have to be related to the agriculture supply chain: input (seeds or fertilizer, tools,…) or production (crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry, agro-forestry,..), value-added services (such as processing or storage), market access,…;”
      Your application would of course be eligible!


  35. Pingback: njoyablog
    1. Dear Sodiq,
      You have already received the acknowledgement. It was sent Saturday 5 March 2016 14:17 CET time zone.


  36. Plantation of neem trees, ASURO, Bojho, Artemisia in the garden help to make the biopesticides with its extract. Those biopesticides helps to control the level of infestation of pest below the economic injury level. You can make good garden if you integrate your compenents with the nature.

  37. hi peter, i want to ask you do students still in bachelor degree of agriculture apply their own proposal?

  38. it is great to see a programs like this to restrict our youth getting migration and enjoying their homes while making beauty-full life. ……i am pleasant

    1. Hi Maybin, — we have no minimum size but advise your proposal to be 1-2 pages. If it is too long, we will ask you to shorten it. Make sure you include one or two pictures or one video and a picture..

      Good luck with your proposal!


    1. Hi Tosin, at the bottom of each application, you can see the number of comments and likes. The amount of pageview can only seen by the blog administrators.

  39. Hi Peter,
    I submitted a project proposal without an acknowledgment of receipt. I was wondering if you have received my entry.

    1. Dear Nanyak,
      we try to acknowledge receipt of each proposal within 24 hours. Your proposal was received by us Sunday 6 March 2016 at 20:17 and we confirmed receipt Sunday 6 March 2016 at 20:46. 30 minutes, not bad! And that for a Sunday 🙂

      For everyone: as mentioned before: we have many proposals coming in, and are now working with 3 people to screen and publish your proposals as quickly as we can. If your proposal is incomplete or does not qualify, we let you know within 24 hours after we receive your proposal. If your proposal is accepted, you will get an email with 24 hours also.
      Once your proposal is accepted, we try to bring your proposal online as soon as we humanly can. Typically, it takes two working days to publish a proposal. We do our best to work through the queue we currently have.



  40. Hello sir, what if someone below the age noted here is interested
    please should he or she summit theirs

    1. Dear Joseph Peter,
      “The applications are restricted to those younger than 39 yrs at the time of submission”. So this means the maximum age is 39 years old. There is no minimum age.


  41. G/ morning sir,

    I just received an acknowledgment. I look forward to seeing the project published real soon.


  42. Am Umar from Uganda, I want submit my proposal but am getting confused with the email to use to send my aplication, I can you please to that favour and send it to me

    1. Thanks peter for your immediate response, hope the proposal already reached to your desk

  43. Dear Joseph Peter,
    I have submitted a proposal on 06 March 2016. But don’t know the status of submission. can please tell me about its present status like is it accepted or rejected?

    Bioinvbd (Anisar Rahman)

      1. Dear sir, I hope you are fine. I am a ypard and gfar blog member from 2014. I submited a abstract and proposal (proposal#205) in YAP conference 08 mach 2016. This was not my own research work. This a research work of my Masters of science Thisis supervisor, Dr. Nazmul Hoque. At present, I am not working with him. It is his personal rice research work. Now, i am working in another rice research organization. Which is contradictory
        for her copyright, IPR, and security issue. So, please delete this proposal from the program and gfar I will very greatful to you fi you delete this article as early as possible.
        I am sorry for this matter.

      1. …Ok
        Meanwhile, its been over 24 hrs ever since I submitted my project yet its not been online.
        I’m getting worried…

    1. Hi Mulundanomaybin,

      You will get an email from us, once your application is accepted. If it is not accepted, we will explain why not, or what you need to change/add to correct your application. (e.g. many proposals come without an illustration – and we need at least one illustration or come in the wrong format).

      best of luck,


  44. Nice work my friend. I’ve always known you have a great mond for great things. Keep it up

  45. Youth in agriculture is the solution that Ghana needs for true independence.
    Kuddos to Alfred and his team

    1. @Mulundanomaybin — As noted several times, and as per the email we have sent you confirming your entry:

      Comments are held for manual revision by us, to avoid spamming and other abuse. Comments are released once per day minimum. (at the moment we are releasing all comments at least 3x per day).

      At this moment (March 8th, 19:08 CET), there are no comments in the queue. All submitted comments are now online.


  46. Hi’ I have interest to be a farmer or Yong YAP, but to be faithfully and honest my profession is structural engineer. I don’t know either my proposal will be take into consideration. Your advice is needed tanks.

    1. Dear Umar,

      Agriculture is a passion for many, even if they studied something different. Your proposal would be welcome if it falls within the terms of our call for proposals.



  47. HI ADM

    1. Nana,
      As specified in this call for proposals, we need approximately 2 working days to publish proposals. These are the terms you accepted when submitting your proposal.
      Every proposal we receive, gets a confirmation if it is accepted within 24 hours.

      To ensure everyone gets a fair period to get votes in, we moved the deadline for submissions to March 9th.



  48. hi, am very impressed with that but what exactly is the email because i submitted via a give email and its like was not the right now, ie thats the emai’ where i send my proposal but reply was like not the one

    1. Dear Shalini,

      All details are in this blogpost.. Read our call for proposals, and you will find additional tips in the comments also.



  49. Hi Peter,

    It’s amazing how this project has grown so quickly! Coming from a largely agricultural country, it really warms my heart to see how many young people are involved in agriculture from all over the world, and how this project can use something so modern, such as social media, to help promote and raise awareness for something as traditional as agriculture.

    Hopefully, it will also be key to updating, modernizing, and revolutionizing agricultural practices in the world today, so that these practices can be made into processes that can keep up with the changing times, economically, ecologically, and most important of all, socially.

    Kudos to you and your team, Peter!


    1. Thank you Josine! The team is working hard to give due credit and recognition to all the young agripreneurs out there!



    1. Dear @seema72,
      As repeatedly mentioned in previous comments: every single submission will be confirmed on receipt. We are working through the submissions one by one in the order as they come in.



  50. I am working on an eco-sustainable technology aimed at improving market access and increasing the livelihood of women involved in smoking fish in a rural community in southern Nigeria. Plz help give rural women a voice here:

  51. Peter and the YAP organizing team,

    It’s really an honor to be part of this endeavor. May all these brain childs be known throughout the world, and be brilliant ways to proactively address the wounds our world’s agricultural landscape are currently experiencing.

    To a greener, brighter, and sexier agriculture!

    1. Hi Justin,

      Thank you for your encouraging words. This project grew fast beyond what we had hoped for and dreamed of. Even given the short deadline, we received much more proposals – and really good proposals – up to the point where we were working around the clock (literally) to screen, edit and publish the proposals in time. Kudos go to Fiona Chandler from GFAR, who pushed this proposal through, the entire GFAR and YPARD team who have supported and worked hard on this project, and a special thanks to Michelle Kovacevic and Caity Peterson, who are still working hard on clearing and publishing the incoming proposals.

      And a special thanks of course to our donors, without whom none of this would have come to live.


    1. Sorry to hear this, Egberinde, but the email is a valid address. In the mean time I see that we received your proposal, but unfortunately, it was past the deadline. Our apologies for the trouble you faced.



    1. Hi Abdurahman,
      Your proposal came online on March 10th.. — Within the 2 working days we normally set, to get proposals online..
      Good luck with your entry!



    1. Hi Iman,

      As we specified, for the YAP program, the agripreneur has to be younger than 39 at the time of submitting the proposal. We hope we can raise enough donor interest to continue with this program in the future, even if it was to do justice to the many excellent proposals we have received and to further encourage young people in their projects!



  52. I posted Proposal #33 and have been following other entries as well ever since. All I can say is WOW…!!!!!!!!!! What an astonishing number of FANTASTIC IDEAS :-0

    Thanks to you Peter & your team. this competition has made me to see another side/aspect of social media. I realized that social media has a great potential of solving social problems, if we use it constructively. I am now a regular follower of the GFAR blog, getting tons of information

    1. Hi Peter,

      Thanks for your feedback.

      Indeed, the YAP program had multiple goals. Of course, we want to select good proposals from agripreneurs, seed fund + mentor them.

      But it was more than “about winning” this competitive process. Overall, the larger goal was to show the wider public (the entries have been read by over 70,000 people so far) that young people still believe in the future of agriculture, and that they creatively work on building up a business or livelihood based on agriculture.

      With that goal, also came the secondary goals: to stimulate young people to think about their project, to formulate their ideas, to be able to compare their ideas with those of others, to get inspiration from each other, and to network… And for that, we wanted, indeed, to show how social media can be a positive tool to achieve that goal. 🙂



  53. Peter I wonder those in the last batch due to a preponed deadline will be at a little loss because my proposal has not even been published so raising comments and likes for it…the time remains very short…I wish you had a different policy for such things

    1. Hi Seema,

      We wished so too, and have been working hard (since September) to be able to launch the YAP project earlier. But circumstances were against us..

      So we had to kick off the project on a very very tight schedule: Donors only had 2 weeks to pledge funds, the call for agripreneur proposals was only open for 3 weeks, the jury will only get 24 hours to cast their vote, and we will only have 3 weeks to arrange for the logistics (visa, travel, accommodation,..), to bring the finalists to Johannesburg.
      This makes it really really challenging for everyone in our team: we work through the weekends, and through most of the nights to make this happen.

      With the spike of incoming proposals, we had to move the submission deadline forward, so most proposals could be online for at least two days. It is true that those who submitted early, have an advantage. But that is often also true in business (such as agribusiness: often the early birds…).

      Wishing you the best of luck with your entry! I see it was submitted 6 hours before the deadline, so it is unfortunately quite at the end of the editing queue 😦



      1. Hi Peter firstly please accept my gratitude for doing such hard work since September. the GFAR team needs a pat on the back for that. For me, I have given my best and I am sure i will get the best. God knows best for us.

    1. Hi Marvin,

      Within a few weeks, we will evaluate this pilot project, and see what we can do more with the current proposals we have, or for a next project. We will publish updates, here on our blog ( – but I also encourage all to go to and register for free membership with YPARD.. All youth projects we start, we do together with them… Great source of information for any youth working in agriculture!!



  54. Greetings peter.

    I feel sad for having not been able to submit in time. i am just realizing that the deadline is past. what can i do to get a hand on any of the other competitions of this nature? I have a project to be established in rural Zambia and it is based on rice processing and fish feed production.
    kindly advise on other upcoming opportunities.

    Kind regards

    Canaan Banda,

    1. Hi Canaan,

      All youth projects we start, we do together with YPARD… Great source of information for any youth working in agriculture!! — check here and become a member. Membership is for free:



  55. Hi Peter,
    Like you said, beyond winning, networking, re-evaluating our visions and fine-tuning the blue print is something i have gotten from this platform already; having people read through my proposals, having to answer questions and reading other people’s proposal made me realize – the journey to food security may be long but i am not alone in the believe.
    Thank you to the donors, to every contributor and the GFAR team! I wish everyone the best beyond this competition!

  56. Hi admin,
    The way the deadline for submission was published on the 8th of march to be the next day which was 9th wasn’t fair at all. I got the information about the competition on the 7th and I was hoping that by afternoon on the 10th which was the old submission deadlines I would submit. I had already finished preparing the proposal only for me to log into Facebook and find your post. It stated there that submission of proposal was closed. I was shocked to my marrows. Please, in case of next time, notify the public on time I.e. days before the deadline.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Juliet,

      Sorry to hear that.. We have done our very best to stick to the given deadlines, however, with the high influx of proposals, we needed to bring the deadline forward. This would give even a minimum of two days of public voting, even for the last submitted proposals (which we are processing at the moment).

      An additional challenge we faced was that many proposals came in incomplete, or in the wrong form… This took *a lot* of our time to correct, followup, and process before we could publish many proposals, again stretching the amount of time it took for us to publish each proposal 😦

      Unfortunately not something we could have foreseen. Again our apologies.



    1. Hi Luke,
      Unfortunately, we have no control over what other websites publish, nor if they keep the information up to date.
      That is why they -rightfully advised, as the last line on their blogpost: “For more details visit the GFAR website.” — with a link.



    1. Hi @umaryam144life,

      I am sorry, but without the right details, I can not look up the status of your proposal. Urgently email me the details, or reforward me your proposal submission email, so I can trace it. My email is p.casier(at)



  57. Dear Admin please dont feel offended but I still feel and I guess my many co competitors would be feeling the same. there is a dire need to give equal time to all …else those whose blog post got published in February itself and for those having their posts uploaded just few days prior to the preponed deadline…there can be no competition. Just give it a thought,,,its not a competition that way or else you could have mentioned that it is more of an early bird kind of thing!!

    1. Dear Seema,
      we have gone to great length to ensure all people who entered their YAP proposal were treated equally and fairly. The terms and conditions of this project were clear from the start. We moved the closure of the submissions forward to give even the last entrants some extra days to still compete after their proposal came online.
      As mentioned earlier, we will work with our donors to explore what more we can do to support all who entered the YAP project, even after the “competition”-part of this project ended.


      1. Dear Peter thanks for being so true. I understand now that with so many blog post entries the kind of faith we have manifested in your team is enormous.. And so are the expectations… Hope wish and pray you can do the best.

    1. HI Zaina,

      We sent you a mail yesterday (March 11th) to confirm your proposal came online. It is proposal #412.

      For anyone who submitted a proposal which was accepted: you received at least 2 mails from us: one to confirm we received and accepted your proposal, and one to confirm it was online, including the link to your proposal.

      If you missed the last mail, just do a search (using the search box on the top of the right column) for your name, or any keyword in your proposal.



  58. Dear Peter thanks for that undying approach..answering each query with so much ease and warmth. thanks. By the way tomorrow is the deadline for comments etc so what are the chances that last comment posted will be published after screening/moderation …I mean how long it takes for the comment to publish finally.

    1. Hi Seema,

      We are currently releasing the comments about 4 times per day (European day). Our last screening will be midnight tomorrow night (23h59 on March 13th). To be able to tally the comments, we will then stop releasing comments until the jury has cast their votes and we announce the finalists.

      To allow further online conversations to continue, we will resume releasing comments after that (probably that will be March 16th or 17th).



  59. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for finally publishing my proposal. #418. However, it seems that the responses through comments to my link are not being published. I have remarks and questions coming verbally, otherwise which should have been posted on the blog against my proposal. Please look into this cos I made sure I told everyone I could about this. Thank you once again.

    1. Hi @Stanoran,

      As mentioned before, we do not publish comments immediately, but screen them for spam or possible abuse. We currently release comments about 4 times per day. Each of those times, the comments queue is fully emptied and all comments are then visible online.



  60. Sir. I send my details through the email 📧 address that you have send to me but i did non see any feedback, I hope so my proposal will take into consideration. Tanks

    1. Hi @umaryam144life,

      I answered already before:

      I am sorry, but without the right details, I can not look up the status of your proposal. Urgently email me the details, or reforward me your proposal submission email, so I can trace it. My email is p.casier(at)



  61. Peter

    Is there anyway to check the quality of comments as many of the blogs I see are not having any kind of positive discussions around the blog.
    I mean one line complements and just no discussion on work …..

    1. Hi Nikki,

      Of course, we agree. In the final selection, one of the things the jury will do, is to go through the comments and value the substance of the comments and the overall quality of the moderation and online discussion.



  62. Hi Peter,

    First, I commend the GFAR team on the good work you’re doing with the blogs , updating the comments and such must not be easy. Thank you !

    Second, just two quick questions : If a person happens to comment more than once by mistake is that recorded as a double or single entry ? Also , do our replies get counted as part of the comment entries ?

    Kindly let me know! Thank you!

    1. Hi Lillian,

      We have done our best to screen all incoming comments, and to delete duplicate comments. It will count as one comment.

      Yes, as we want to stimulate the online discussions, the way how the applicants replied to the incoming comments, will count.



  63. @Admin we are really happy to participate into this competition , it help us to raise up youth awareness’s on the agriculture value chain , so from my self all participants are doing well and we are waiting the results of the competition which will be published soon
    thanks for sustaining the agriculture and the entirely food security in the world
    best regards

    1. Thanks, Mizero!

      Glad you enjoyed participating!

      We will publish the final results as soon as possible (will be this week), on our blog.



  64. Hello
    Sir I have complain about the voting system in the blog.
    I found that comments can be done by using any ones email and name without registering in wordpress !!! In this case others emails can be misused for commenting by Single person.

    1. Hi Suresh,

      Unfortunately for those who try to cheat the system, we (the blog administrators) have the tools to capture those who send comments multiple times, or who are misusing the system in others way. We will not have much patience with those who try to cheat.

      If you see any irregular use, send me a mail directly – p.casier(at) – we will deal with every case.

      Rest assured we keep a very close eye on the process to make ensure the “YAP” project runs fairly for all.



      1. Sir while commenting I just found that one can use others email for commenting and one can produce thousands of such email from mail. You can also see that most of the post have few like but thousands of comments done using others emails that are not registered in WordPress.

      2. hi Suresh, the last comment I already answered above.

        We have the tools to catch spamming comments sent by the same person, or from the same computer.



  65. Hello Peter. 🙂

    I hope that this message finds you and the YAP team well.

    I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful experience. No matter what the results are in the next coming days, knowing that I was able to share the plight of our farmers with society through online social media is both fulfilling and truly rewarding. It is a bigger blessing that I will take away and truly treasure for the rest of my life.

    Thank you to you and the YAP team for making this endeavor possible, and allowing me to be part of it. 🙂

    All the best,

  66. Dear Peter thanks for this info. Moreover I realised one very subtle aspect of this whole process as an academician… Firstly one might have highly cited publications but social media has a far wider approach and secondly you realise how important it is to showcase your work to your work to friends and relatives who are outside your academic arena… And how happy they are to see your milestones. Thanks for showing me this aspect

    1. Hi Seema,

      Indeed… In my “real job”, beyond YAP, I work mostly with the scientific community on their possible adoption of social media to advocate for their projects, network with like-minded people, or even just as productivity tools….



  67. Dear Mr. Peter

    I am Juli Purnomo from Indonesia. I want to say thank you very much for this youth agripeneur project. It was really great project competition for youths, especially in agricultural sector. I can find many youth opinions about agriculture. As we know, nowadays agriculture sector is really important for our life, because of there will face many problems in the future if the youths care to this sector. In Indonesia it happens when the decreasing of agriculture sector every year.
    It was really amazing can join this competition, and I hope, I can always give great contribution to small farmers, agricultural entrepreneur, also general agriculture sector in my place and Indonesia.


    Juli Purnomo

  68. hi, peter am seeing the competition is very stiff can you brief me how many members your to invite for the conference? because i understand those to win the 500usd are only 10members.
    lukwago umar

    1. Hi Lukwago,

      The amount of people that would get the full funding is determined on the amount of donor support we received. At the moment, we have slots for 6 people. But remember, the YAP project does not end just with those who are invited to Johannesburg.


      1. Jeremy:
        We will do our best to work with all submitted proposals, to give them due credit and assistance. “How” and “how many”, we still need to explore. The only thing I can promise now is that we will do our best.



      2. We are graduate fro different universities in Tanzania and we decided to form our NGO and register it .It is called ACTIVATION OF YOUTH FOR DEVELOPMENT, we are dealing youths by empowering them economically throgh enterpreurship training programs,advocte for the polices which undermine youths and family planning.
        But for now we expect to base in agriculture activities and we dont havefunds and we saw you announcement please may tell if still we can send our proposal or you can provide counselling to us what to do actually we are new but we have variety of knoweldge please help us


    Dear Mr.PETER
    Iam Vivian Kashweka from zambia,I want to say thank you for the great work you are doing for the youths.I find out on march 11 to bad for me

  70. Dear Admin, please I want to know how many people will be sent to the jury before the final selection talks place.
    Thank you.

  71. Surely the process of selecting based on likes is not proper Firstly, limits chances of winning to advanced world proposals!! where many guys can afford access to internet what about poor communities with beautiful proposals but no so called likes????friends can like ones post even if there is no good content in it. secondly one can ask all all the 500 friends that just click like Its quite sad!!! and disappointing!!!!!

    Am confident in East Africa, Central Africa may have one or two people succeeding!!!! yet the conference is even in Africa a continent that deserves big attention support!!!

    1. Hi Job,

      We have found people, successfully participating, who have no connectivity where they live, but have successfully reached out to many online, with the help of their friends and colleagues.
      Successful agripreneurship/entrepreneurship has a lot to do with creativity.



  72. It’s been a great pleasure been part of this competition.
    Looking forward to been to been selected. Good luck to us!


  73. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this project. Whether I win or not, nothing will deter me from youth empowerment initiatives in agribusiness as a tool for creating employment. The network and frineds have been build and I appreciate for that.

  74. Hello Peter,

    Its Been a good moment sharing, commenting and discussing several youthful/creative ideas of our colleagues. I appreciate this step that even without succeeding to the funding, the articles and the several works we have read here are enough to make us think about doing something you didn’t know. I share the same opinion with my colleagues that the process may have not been fair because there are a lot of creative ideas worth supporting but are limited by internet access in the rural areas or for some reasons, they do not have enough connections to make them compete well. I would have suggested that besides using this platform to get the most liked/with comments, you still need to use your expertise to judge which ideas really are impressive for this kind of funding. Otherwise I appreciate this attempt to bring us world wide together. Next time, or even this time, give us a link we can use to network and share some of this impressive innovations of young agripreneurs.

    1. Hi Peter,
      I am preparing the wrap-up blogpost now. In there, just as in the previous comments, I will stress that we will do all we can to work with all submitted proposals in the future. We do fully recognize that not everyone is “as well connected to the Internet” as the next person. However we should also recognize that some entries, from people who are NOT connected to the Internet anywhere near the place they live, scored very high, and ended up in the pre-selection list.
      In the end, it also boils down to creativity on how to work within the rules of a project.

      And as mentioned many times before, in these comments, “creativity” is one of the cornerstones of successful entrepreneurship.



  75. It was a great deal of learning from other great proposal and feedback on my own proposal.

    Thank you very much for this opportunity

  76. I just get to know about this program today, I am from Nigerian, I will like to no when the next program will be open. thank you, Kingsley . O

  77. Admin, I am experiencing difficulties in registering using the provided link. I have tried with both different devices. It keeps saying “forbidden”
    What do you suggest?

  78. admin i would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the organize this. i would want to say we are all winners in this competition. its now time for us to work to make our ideas reality. to all those who gave their minds i urge u to use them to further explore methods of obtaining funding from other avenues to realise ur dreams. i thank you for this chance we had.

  79. I have just received the opportunity advertisement, my CBO is promoting feeding programs in schools. Is it too late to submit in my proposal?

    1. Hi Nathan, We are trying to secure the funding and approval for a new project. Once done, we will announce it here on our blog.

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