GFAR blog

FLASH: Two more GFAR social media webinars!

Megaphone poster

After our “Social media for professionals” webinar, we received many requests for more interactive sessions on social media.

And being GFAR, we’re more than happy to comply with the requests from our partners. 🙂
So, here are our next two webinars:

1. How to read updates from hundreds of websites and blogs, fast and easily?

Date: Tuesday February 16th at 13:00 CET (Central European Time)
Duration: 2 hours

You must be facing the same challenges as I am: There are literally hundreds of websites or blogs which are of interest to my work. Ten years ago, I might still have been able to follow the updates of each website by browsing them one by one. Nowadays, this is no longer possible, and would take up too much of my time. And yet, I fear losing out on critical information.

I found a solution which works for me. Every day, while having my morning coffee and cornetto (yes, I live in Italy), I check the updates from all websites and blogs of interest to me. I worked out a workflow, using two tools, which make it easy and fun “to read the news”.

During this webinar, I’d like to take you -step by step- through the workflow and configuration of these tools, so you too can keep tuned-in to what’s happening in the online world… Fast and easily.

2. How to define and measure your social media performance?

Date: Wednesday March 16th at 13:00 CET (Central European Time)
Duration: 2 hours

While working with dozens of professional communicators in the nonprofit world, I found one common challenge many of us struggle with: All of us are engaging in social media, but few of us master the skills and tools to keep track of our social media performance.

So, no matter how eagerly we engage in these new advocacy and outreach tools, how do we track if our efforts are really worth it? How do we define our key performance indicators, and how do we measure them? Which tools work, and which don’t? Are we doing better over time, or are we slacking? Is it all worthwhile?

It is important for us, as communicators, to see “how well we are doing”, but also to show that our efforts are worthwhile, to both our managers and our constituencies.

This webinar starts with a social media strategy example, defines its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and the key tools to measure them. It balances the theory and practice: Call it “the art, the science and the tools to track your social media performance”.

This -according to me- makes the difference between the “social media chickens” and the “social media eagles”… Do you want to keep on scratching with the chickens or do you want to soar with the social media eagles? This webinar might show you the difference! 🙂

About the GFAR webinars

These webinars are open to GFAR and CGIAR partners as well as other nonprofit organisations. No matter if you are a researcher, an agricultural practitioner, a student, a communications officer, a policy maker or any variant thereof 🙂.

We do not ask for a participation fee, but we’d appreciate it if each participant would actively engage in the webinars.

The webinars are moderated via BlueJeans, an online tool running within any internet browser. It requires participants to have a good and reliable Internet connection and a computer running any browser.

The webinars are organised and funded by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) with support of the CGIAR Consortium’s Shared Services team.

The webinars are facilitated by Peter Casier, the GFAR Social Media Coordinator. Peter is a full-time online media consultant who has worked with many scientific/research organisations.

Register now!

You can register for these webinars by sending an email to the facilitator: Peter Casier – p.casier(at)

Please mention: Your name, affiliation (organisation/institute), function, your experience/interest in social media, and which of the two webinars (or both!) you’d like to participate in.

We will send you a confirmation email. You will also get a reminder with the technical details to join the webinars, one week before each.

Blogpost by Peter Casier (GFAR Social Media Coordinator)
Picture courtesy Vandalog

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